Create a HoloLens app package with sideloading


Sideloading which is available in Windows 8 and later directly can install your signed app to a device without the Microsoft Store. This also applies to HoloLens.


  • Windows 10 Pro
  • Unity 2020
  • Visual Studio 2019


Open a solution file with Visual Studio

Open the solution file which generated to make app by Unity in Visual Studio.
Then, click Project > Publish > Create App Packages....

If the following window appear, you will enter password of certificate.

Select Sideloading in distribution methods

Chose Sideloadingin methods.

Select signing method

Certification should have already been set in Unity (Player Settings), so take over as it.
In the following window, select Yes, use the current certificate:.

Configure packages

Setup an architecture and build configuration.

Configure Visual Studio for HoloLens by selecting the Master or Release configuration, the ARM64 architecture
Initializing your project and deploying your first application – Mixed Reality | Microsoft Docs


  1. How to side load and Install Apps via HoloLens 2 App Installer | Microsoft Docs
  2. Sideload LOB apps in Windows 10 | Microsoft Docs
  3. Manage Client Access to the Windows Store | Microsoft Docs
  4. Initializing your project and deploying your first application – Mixed Reality | Microsoft Docs