Using 3D app launcher on HoloLens


The Microsoft Mixed Reality Toolkit (MRTK) support a feature to set 3D app launcher in v2.6.

MRTK 2.6 release notes - Mixed Reality Toolkit | Microsoft Docs

An example is here:

2D launcher (default)

3D launcher


  • MRTK v2.7

    • Mixed Reality Toolkit Foundation
  • Unity v2020.3.20f1
  • Windows 21H1

    • Require Windows SDK 10.0.17125 or later
  • HoloLens v21H1 (OS build: 20348.1432)


Follow the following steps when you begin.

  1. Import a 3D model with glb format to your Unity project.
  2. Open the Project Settings window. Click Edit > Project Settings... on Unity Editor.
  3. Click MixedRealityToolkit > Build Settings in the Project Settings window.
  4. Assign your 3D model (glb format) to 3D App Launcher Model field.
  5. To get vs solution file, build your Unity project as UWP platform by Unity Editor.
  6. To get app, build the vs solution with Visual Studio.
Project Settings in Unity Editor

The result is here: