Try LLDB of Xcode integration with Kaleidoscope v2.4

Minor updated Kalidoscope, let's try it.


A minor update to Kaleidoscope has been released v2.4.



Click Integration... in the Kaleidoscope menu or Enter Shift + Cmd +, to open the settings screen.


First, install ksdiff.


Switch to Xcode from the menu on the same screen and click Configure.


It's a little detour, but it seems to work with Perforce.



Enter the variable name with kspo in the Xcode console as follows:


You can display the difference like this.


ksp register read take the register status.



If you buy it from the App Store, it costs ¥ 8,500 as of 2/18, but you can buy it for $ 69.99 on the developer's site.